Riman Sipahutar
Dosen Jurusan Teknik Mesin
Universitas Sriwijaya
Prof. Ir. Riman Sipahutar, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Email :
Research interest : Heat Transfer, Combustion
Pangkat / Golongan | Pembina Utama Muda / IV-c |
Jabatan Fungsional | Guru Besar |
NIP | 195606041986021001 |
NIDN | 0004065606 |
Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir | Pematang Siantar, 4 Juni 1956 |
Ir. (Sriwijaya University, INA)
M.T. (University of Indonesia, INA)
Dr. (University of Indonesia, INA)
Tahun | Judul Penelitian | Sumber* | Jumlah (Juta Rp) |
2014 | Pengaruh rasio pencampuran minyak kelapa dan solar terhadap emis gas buang dan kinerja mesin Diesel | Penelitian Dosen | 10 |
2015 | Performance of Combined Water Turbine Darrieus-Savonius with Two Stage Savonius Buckets and Single Deflector | DIPA Unsri | 15 |
2017 | Mechanical properties of castings Aluminium waste which is smelted in Simple Furnace with a variety of Fuels | DIPA Unsri | 72 |
2017 | Bio-coal briquettes made from South Sumatera low rank coal and palm shell charcoal for using in small industries | DIPA Unsri | 225 |
2018 | Gasifikasi tipe updraft campuran batubara peringkat rendah Sumatera Selatan dan Tempurung Kelapa | DIPA Unsri | 195 |
2019 | Gasifikasi tipe updraft campuran batubara peringkat rendah Sumatera Selatan dan Tempurung Kelapa | DIPA Unsri | 225,5 |
2020 | “Pitch” yang tepat untuk Sudu jenis “Scoopy Blade” dengan sudut Gamma 10 Derajat pada Diameter Roda Kincir 0,8 Meter dengan Kecepatan Arus 0,8 m/detik hingga 2 m/detik | DIPA Unsri | 27,75 |
2021 | Analisis Proses Produksi Asap Cair Berbahan Bakar Limbah Cangkang Kelapa Sawit dengan Metoda Pirolisis Terintegrasi | DIPA Unsri | 75 |
Tahun | Judul Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat | Sumber* | Jumlah (Juta Rp) |
2014 | Aplikasi Rancang Bangun Alat Pemanggang Kemplang Palembang yang Hemat Energi, Sehat dan Hygienis untuk Usaha Kecil di Kenten Palembang | DIPA Universitas Sriwijaya | 8 |
2015 | Sosialisasi Alat Pengering Kolektor Surya Berlubang Empat Sayap Untuk Petani Pembudidaya Tanaman Gaharu Di Desa Rambutan Kecamatan Rambutan Kabupaten Banyuasin | DIPA Universitas Sriwijaya | 13 |
2015 | Penyuluhan pada siswa SMA Arinda Palembang Cara Efektif dalam Pemanfaatan Internet untuk Persiapan Masuk Perguruan Tinggi | DIPA/BOPTN Universitas Sriwijaya | 4 |
2016 | Peningkatan Mutu Industri Rumah Tangga “Pengecoran Logam Santoso” Gang Jaya Plaju Palembang | DIPA/BOPTN Universitas Sriwijaya | 6 |
2017 | Modifikasi Mesin Penggiling Mie Menjadi Alat Press Purun untuk Memperkuat Daya Saing Industri Rumahan Masyarakat Desa Pedamaran Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir | DIPA FT Unsri | 9,5 |
2020 | Alat Penghemat Energi Vertikal untuk Pemanggang Kemplang Desa Tanjung Gelam Kecamatan Indralaya Kabupaten Ogan Ilir | DIPA FT Unsri | 12,5 |
Tahun | Judul Artikel Ilmiah | Volume/ Nomor | Nama Jurnal |
2014 | Experimental Study of Darrieus-Savonius Water Turbine with Deflector: Effect of Deflector on the Performance | 2014 | International Journal of Rotating Machi-nery |
2014 | The blending effect of coalite, coconut shell charcoal and gelam wood charcoal on calorific value (Nukman; Sipahutar, Riman; Yani, Irsyadi; Arief, Taufik) | 11/5 | American Journal of Applied Sciences |
2015 | Performance of Combined Water Turbine Darrieus-Savonius with Two Stage Savonius Buckets and Single Deflector (Kaprawi Sahim, Dyos Santoso, Riman Sipahutar) | 5/1 | International Journal of Renewable Energy Research-IJRER |
2015 | The Potential of Biomass from Wood, Leaves, and Grass as Renewable Energy Sources in South Sumatera, Indonesia | 37 | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects |
2017 | Bio-coal briquettes made from South Sumatera low rank coal and palm shell charcoal for using in small industries | 101 | MATEC Web Conferences 101, 02019 (2017) |
2017 | Mechanical Properties of Castings Aluminum Waste which is Smelted in Simple Furnace with a Variety of Fuels | 40 / 4 | Journal of Mechani-cal Engineering Research and Developments |
2018 | Effect of Processing Parameters on Fabrication of Aluminum Matrix Composite (AMC) through Stir Casting Process | 41 / 1 | Journal of Mechani-cal Engineering Research and Developments |
2019 | The Effect of Air Flow Rate and ratio Between Coal and Coconut Shell on Heat Energy Produced in an Updraft Gasifier | 1167(2019) 012007 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
2019 | Experimental Study of Low-rank Coal from South Sumatra used in Humidifier and Flash Dryer | 1167(2019) 012003 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
2020 | Development of liquid smoke production process as a latex coagulant by utilyzing a refrigeration machine | 909 (2020) 012032 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering |
2020 | Analysis of Upgrading Process of South Sumatera Low Rank Coal | 1500(2020) 012026 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
2020 | Conduction Heat Rate Analysis of Tool in AISI 4340 Turning Process | 1500(2020) 012030 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
2020 | Simulation of the Effect of Cutting Angle in Lathe Process on Distribution of Cutting Temperature | 1500(2020) 012029 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
2020 | Performance Evaluation Solar Charge Controller on Solar Power System Home-Based SPV Amorphous 80 Watt-peak | 1500(2020) 012004 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
2020 | The cooling effect of polycrystalline type PV panels using perforated aluminum plates | 909 (2020) 012005 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering |
2020 | Passive cooling using perforated aluminum plate to improve efficiency on monocrystalline of 100 Wp photovoltaic | 909 (2020) 012006 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering |
2020 | Scoopy Blade for Low Current River Watereheel Supporting the Energy Needs in the Rural Areas of Indonesia | 1500(2020) 012024 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
2021 | Effect of Refrigeration System on Reduction of Pyrolysis Air Pollution in Liquid Smoke Production | Vol. 9 / Issue 3, 2021 | Advances in Mechanics |
2021 | Increased Productivity of Liquid Smoke through Fast Thawing with Refrigeration System at Low Air Temperatures | doi:10.5937/jaes0-30849 | Journal of Applied Engineering Science |
Tahun | Judul Buku | Penerbit |
2021 | Sistem Pembangkit Tenaga Uap | Unsri Press ISBN : 978-623-399-018-9 |
1. Perpindahan Kalor dan Massa I dan II (S1)
2. Mesin-Mesin Konversi Energi I dan II (S1)
3. Sistem Pembangkit Tenaga Uap (S1)
4. Motor Bakar dan Sistem Propulsi (S1)
5. Teknik Pembakaran (S2)
6. Analisa Numerik dan Pemrograman (S2)
7. Teknik Konversi Energi (S2)
8. Sistem Motor Bakar dan Propulsi (S2)
9. Sistem Motor Bakar dan Propulsi (S2)
10. Teknik Kogenerasi (S2) – T. Kimia
11. Teknologi Konversi Energi Biomassa (S2) – T. Kimia
12. Gasifikasi (S3) – Ilmu Teknik