Amir Arifin
Dosen Jurusan Teknik Mesin
Universitas Sriwijaya
Amir Arifin, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., IPP.
Email :
Research interest : Powder Metallurgy; Biomaterial, Casting.
Jabatan Fungsional : Lektor kepala
NIP : 19790927 2003 12 1004
NIDN : 0024097806
Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir : Palembang/ 27 September 1979
S.T. (Sriwijaya University, INA)
M.Eng. (Gadjah Mada Univeristy. INA)
Ph.D. (University Kebangsaan Malaysia, MY)
1 | 2012 | Penelitian Disertasi Dosen | DIPA FT | 15.000.000,- |
2 | 2013 | Penelitian Disertasi Dosen | DIPA FT | 15.000.000,- |
3 | 2014 | Penelitian Disertasi Dosen | DIPA FT | 15.000.000,- |
4 | 2015 | Penelitian Disertasi Dosen | DIPA FT | 25.000.000,- |
5 | 2018 | Penelitian Unggulan Kompetitif | PNBP UNSRI | 73.450.000,- |
6 | 2019 | Penelitian Unggulan Kompetitif | PNBP UNSRI | 55.400.000,- |
7 | 2020 | Penelitian Unggulan Kompetitif | PNBP UNSRI | 58.000.000,- |
Tahun | Judul | Penerbit |
2021 | Chassis Frame Design and Analysis Based On Formula SAE Japan | Indonesian Journal of Engineering and Science |
2021 | Development Composite Aluminium/Fly Ash with Powder Metallurgy Method Use Egg Yolk as Space Holder | Indonesian Journal of Engineering and Science |
2021 | Intergranular Corrosion and Ductile-Brittle Transition Behaviour in Martensitic Stainless Steel | Indonesian Journal of Engineering and Science |
2020 | Effect of fly ash content in Aluminum matrix composite through stir casting method on mechanical and physical properties | Materials Science and Engineering |
2020 | Development of aluminum matrix composite with hybrid reinforcement using stir casting route | Materials Science and Engineering |
2020 | Failure analysis of AISI 304 stainless steel pipeline transmission a petrochemical plant | Materials Science and Engineering |
2020 | Development and characterization of porous hydroxyapatite-Alumina composite for engineering application | Materials Science and Engineering |
2020 | Dissimilar metal welding using Shielded metal arc welding: A Review | Technology Reports of Kansai University |
2020 | The Effect of Adding Used Lubricant on Used Aluminum Beverage Cans Castings on the Hardness Value | ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences |
2019 | Besaran Energi Aktivasi Dari Oksidasi Hasil Pengecoran Aluminium Kaleng Minimum Yang Mendapat Perlakuan Panas Quenching Dan Annealing | AUSTENIT 11 (2) |
2019 | The Effect of Heat Treatment on Fatigue Testing of Aluminum Cans | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1198 (7), 072002 |
2019 | Pengaruh Sifat Mekanik AMC Terhadap Penambahan 8 wt% Fly Ash dengan Variasi Jumlah SiC | Prosiding Applicable Innovation of Engineering and Science Research 2019 |
2019 | Fabriksi Karakterisasi Sifat Fisik dan Mekanik Produk Stir Casting Komposit Daur Ulang Alumunium Dengan Penambahan 14, 18 dan 22 wt% FLY ASH | Teknik Mesin UNTIRTA |
2019 | Characterization of porous hydroxyapatite-alumina composite scaffold produced via powder compaction method | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering |
2019 | Optimasi Desain Sistem Saluran Pada Pengecoran Propeller Kapal Menggunakan Metode Taguchi | FLYWHEEL 5 (1) |
2019 | Effects of SiC particulate-reinforced on the fluidity and mechanical properties of Aluminium Matrix Composite through stir casting route | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1198 |
2019 | Design Optimization in Stress Distribution of Firing Pin Rifle by Impact Force Using Finite Element Modelling | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1198 |
2019 | The Fabrication Porous hydroxyapatite Scaffold Using Sweet Potato Starch as a Natural Space Holder | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1198 |
2019 | Application of RSM and ANN in Predicting Surface Roughness for Side Milling Process under Environmentally Friendly Cutting Fluid | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1198 |
2019 | Processing of Stainless Steel (SS316L)-Hydroxyapatite (HA) Powder Composite through Powder Injection Molding | Journal of Physics 1198 |
2019 | Optimization of Angular Distortion on Weld Joints Using Taguchi Approach | Jurnal Kejuruteraan 31 (1) |
2019 | The Effect of Air Flow Rate and Ratio Between Coal and Coconut Shell on Heat Energy Produced in an Updraft Gasifier | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1167 |
2018 | Effect of sintering parameters on physical and mechanical properties of powder injection moulded stainless steel-hydroxyapatite composite | PloS one 13 (10), e0206247 |
2018 | Pengaruh Arus Dan Jarak Kampuh Pengelasan Terhadap Distorsi Sambungan Pelat Baja Karbon Rendah Dengan Menggunakan SMAW | Flywheel 4 (1), 20-25 |
2018 | Oxidation of beverage cans in the temperature range 400-610 C | ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 13 (24), 9741-9745 |
2018 | Fabrikasi dan Karakterisasi Sifat Fisik dan Mekanik Produk Stir Casting Komposit Daur Ulang Aluminium dengan Penambahan 26, 30 dan 34 wt % Fly Ash | Prosiding SNTTM XVII, Kupang 2018, 130-136 |
2018 | Fabrikasi Keramik Hidroksiapatit Berpori Dengan Menggunakan Space Holder Alami | Prosiding SNTTM XVII, Kupang 2018, 137-143 |
2018 | Fabriksi Karakterisasi Sifat Fisik dan Mekanik Produk Stir Casting Komposit Daur Ulang Alumunium Dengan Penambahan 14,18 dan 22 wt% Fly Ash | FLYWHEEL 4 (2) |
2018 | Effect of fly ash as reinforcement on mechanical properties of aluminum scrap based hybrid composite | Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 13, 3080-3091 |
2018 | Effect of Processing Parameters on Fabrication of Aluminum Matrix Composite (AMC) through Stir Casting Process | Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments 41 (1), 20-26 |
2017 | Study of Bio-Coal Briquette as Solid Fuel for Aluminum Smelter | Sriwijaya Journal of Environment 2 (3), 99-101 |
2017 | Peningkatan Kualitas Sambungan Las Baja Karbon Rendah Dengan Metode Taguchi | FLYWHEEL: Jurnal Teknik Mesin Untirta 2 (1) |
2017 | Pengaruh Parameter Stir Casting Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Alumunium Matrix Composite (AMC) | Flywheel 3 (1), 21-31 |
2017 | Optimization of Stir Casting Method of Aluminum Matrix Composite (AMC) for the Hardness Properties by Using Taguchi Method | Jurnal Kejuruteraan 29 (1), 35-39 |
2017 | Porous titanium alloy/hydroxyapatite composite using powder compaction route | Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Sciences 11 (2) |
2017 | Effect of mixing parameters on the mixing time and density of composite HA/Ti6Al4V feedstock for powder injection molding | MATEC Web of Conferences 101, 03003 |
2016 | Thermal Evolution Profile Analysis for Pyrolysis of Coal – Acacia Mangium Wood Blends | International Journal of Technology 7 (5), 881 |
2016 | Jig Prototype for Computer-Assisted Total Knee Replacement and Its Flow Simulation | International Journal of Technology 7 (1), 132-140 |
2015 | Characterization Of Hydroxyapatite/Ti6Al4V Composite Powder Under Various Sintering Temperature | Jurnal Teknologi 75 (7), 27-31 |
2015 | Powder injection molding of HA/Ti6Al4V composite using palm stearin as based binder for implant material | Materials & Design (1980-2015) 65, 1028-1034 |
2014 | Stainless steel 316L–hydroxyapatite composite via powder injection moulding: rheological and mechanical properties characterisation | Materials Research Innovations 18 (sup6), S6-100-S6-104 |
2014 | Material processing of hydroxyapatite and titanium alloy (HA/Ti) composite as implant materials using powder metallurgy: a review | Materials & Design 55, 165-175 |
2014 | Development of HA/Ti Composite for Biomedical Application via Powder Injection Molding | Regenerative Research 3 (2), 67-68 |
2014 | Palm Stearin as Alternative Binder for MIM: A Review | Journal of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace Science and Engineering 7 (18-23) |
2014 | HA/Ti6Al4V Powder with Palm Stearin Binder System-Feedstock Characterization | Applied Mechanics and Materials 564, 372-375 |
2012 | Kuu Bi Yong-Feedstock of 16 μm Stainless Steel Powder (SS316L), PEG, PMMA and Stearic Acid | Journal of Applied Sciences Research 8 (6), 2998-3003 |
2012 | Powder injection molding of SS316L/HA composite: rheological properties and mechanical properties of the green part | Journal of Applied Sciences Research 8 (11), 5317-5321 |
2012 | Optimizing injection parameter of metal injection molding processes using the feedstock of 16 μm stainless steel powder (SS316L), PEG, PMMA and stearic acid | Journal of Applied Sciences Research 8 (6), 2998-3003 |
2011 | Studi Eksperimental Optimalisasi Campuran Bahan Bakar Solar dengan Crude Jatropha Oil (CJO) | Proceeding of The 10th National Seminar of Mechanical Engineering (SNTTM X ) |
2010 | Penentuan Kualitas Pahat HSS (High Speed Steel) Mata Tunggal Dengan Analisis Umur Pahat Pada Proses Bubut | UPPM Fakultas Teknik Unsri |
2009 | Pengaruh Perbedaan Temperatur Cetakan Logam Terhadap Fluiditas dan Struktur Mikro Mg-44% Al | Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin 9 (1), 008-011 |
Tahun | Judul | Penerbit |
2022 | Characterization Porous HA/SiO2 Composite Prepared Using Natural Space Holder | Springer Verlag (Chapter Book) |
2022 | Fabrication of Titanium-Matrix Composite with 40 wt% Hydroxyapatite by Powder Injection Molding | Springer Verlag (Chapter Book) |
2016 | Pengembangan Komposit Hidroksipapatit/Titanium Sebagai Implan menggunakan Teknologi Metal Injection Molding (MIM) | UNSRI PRESS |
Tahun | Judul | Nama Badan |
2018 | Pengujian Material Coupler Fixed Stopper Dan Rumah Boffer Gerbong GB 50 Ton | PT. Kereta Api Indonesia |
2018 | Analisa Kegagalan Chero Forged Steel Valve Join
2019 | Analisis Kegagalan Tube Chiller CAC-30 ASP4 PUSRI 2 | PT. PUSRI |
2019 | Analisa Kegagalan Tube F6U-EA112 dan F6U-EA113 | PT. PUSRI |
2019 | Evaluasi Remaning Life ASSESMENT (RLA) Tube Reformer Katalis P-IB dan P-III | PT. PUSRI |
2019 | Pengembangan software Risk Based Inspection (RBI) | PT. PUSRI |
2020 | Pengembangan software Reliability Centered maintenance (RCM) | PT. PUSRI |
2022 | Jasa Konsultasi Asesmen Teknis Sea Water Intake PLTU Sebalang | PT.PLN |
- Metallurgi Serbuk
- Struktur dan Sifat Logam
- Teknik Pengelasan
- Teknik Pengecoran